The board members of the Canary Cooperative are experienced people who have come together to solve the challenge of safe housing. Many of us have built or renovated our own housing that meets our needs or the needs of our families with sensitivities.
Most of the Canary Cooperative board members also have experience hosting homeless MCS people at their houses or property, and thus bring an experienced eye to the challenges posed by having several MCS people living in one house.
We invite anyone interested in our project to call or email us to be personally introduced to our board members or attend board meetings.
Help us grow our team by volunteering! Our current needs are:
People that can work onsite and have local connections for volunteers and donated supplies.
Someone with public relations or fundraising experience. We are interested in a crowd-source or social media fundraiser.
More board members. We meet by conference call, so can we have board members from across NY state, or anywhere in the United States. We have two board members from out of state who bring specific housing related experience.