Healthy Housing

Safer Travel Directory has free classified housing ads online. They also publish a directory of safer hotels and resorts.

The EI Wellspring. A wealth of articles about housing for MCS and Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS).

Tips for Finding Safer Housing 3 page article in PDF.

Healthy Buildings Project

100 Points for Healthy Buildings Checklist for generally healthier, more sustainable buildings

These “Top Ten” lists are designed to help get accommodations and promote generally healthier environments in rental housing and public puildings. Catch the Wave of the Future! is an advertisement that goes with the “Top Ten” lists.

Top Ten List for Safer Housing

Top Ten List for Healthier Public Buildings

Catch the Wave of the Future!


See the third section of the Good Reads page of for a list of healthy housing books suggested by their members.


The Access Board Report on Indoor Environmental Quality